Campus Resources Links
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) -
AASHE is a "membership-based association of colleges and universities working to advance
sustainability in higher education in the US and Canada." The AASHE site includes
a campus sustainability professionals page, classroom resources, publications, interest
groups, and a sustainability policy link. They also offer a free weekly e-newsletter
covering campus sustainability news, events, and opportunities. AASHE's goal is to
promote sustainability in every area of higher education, from governance and operations
to curriculum and student life.
Laudato Si Action Platform-
The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform
is a space for institutions, communities, and families to learn and grow together
as we journey toward full sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology.
You are warmly invited to join this community. Your unique “culture, experience, involvements,
and talents” are needed on our journey towards greater love for our Creator, each
other, and the home we share. (LS 14)
National Wildlife Federation’s Campus Ecology Program -
The Campus Ecology Program was established by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF)
in 1989 to help colleges and universities become sustainable systems. The website
offers a monthly electronic newsletter, a database of campus projects within particular
sustainability topics, a Campus Ecology Yearbook with college and university successes
from the previous year, a climate blog, and much more. The organization provides workshops
and teleconferences, printed and online resources, and consultation.
Second Nature -
Second Nature helps higher education institutions make the transformation to a sustainable
community by providing workshops, publications, presentations, consultations, and
networking opportunities. The website contains countless case studies describing the
greening of colleges and universities.
University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) -
ULSF is an international non-profit organization that works to make sustainability
an integral part of every aspect of colleges and universities, from operations and
student life to teaching and research. The site provides resources for incorporating
sustainability into the curriculum, conducting a sustainability assessment, integrating
sustainability into policies and mission statements, research, and tools for campus
West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum (WMSBF) -
West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum is a regional collaboration of business,
government, non-profits, and academia dedicated to promoting business practices that
demonstrate environmental stewardship, economic vitality, and social responsibility.
Jessica Eimer Bowen
Executive Director, Center for Sustainability
Albertus Hall, Rm 129
(616) 632-1994